our board.

  • President Tairan Zhang

    Tairan Zhang


    Email: tz352@cornell.edu

    Major(s): Information Science & Government, '24

    Instrument(s): Violin

    Fun Fact: I’m the first orchestra president in three years to not get hit by a truck! πŸš™πŸ˜³

    Favorite Orchestra Memory: Playing alongside JP Jofre during the final 2021–2022 concert! 🀘

  • Vice President Jason Steiner

    Jason Steiner


    Email: jns226@cornell.edu

    Major(s): Computer Science, '24

    Instrument(s): Violin

    Fun Fact: I’m a huge basketball nerdβ€”talk to me about anything NBA, or 1v1 me if you dare! πŸ€β›ΉοΈ

    Favorite Orchestra Memory: Meeting some of my best friends here! 🀝

  • Secretary Lauren Michel

    Lauren Michel


    Email: lam425@cornell.edu

    Major(s): Earth and Atmospheric Sciences & Computer Science, β€˜26

    Instrument(s): ​​Violin

    Fun Fact: I was born with a full head of hair. It all fell off shortly afterward but has since grown back! πŸ’‡β€β™€οΈπŸ’†β€β™€οΈ

    Favorite Orchestra Memory: Playing Scheherazade with CSO! It was my first concert playing in an orchestra! 🀩

  • Treasurer Richard Zhu

    Richard Zhu


    Email: rz262@cornell.edu

    Major(s): Mathematics & Computer Science, '25

    Instrument(s): Clarinet

    Fun Fact: I’ve had my appendix removed! πŸ‘¨β€βš•οΈπŸ©Ί

    Favorite Orchestra Memory: Playing the basset horn for the first time in Mozart's Requiem! πŸ₯³

  • Fundraising Chair Kaitlyn Lee

    Kaitlyn Lee


    Email: kl629@cornell.edu

    Major(s): Biology and Society, '25

    Instrument(s): Cello

    Fun Fact: I can probably nap anywhere! πŸ˜΄πŸ›οΈ

    Favorite Orchestra Memory: After-rehearsal dinners with cello friends πŸ›

  • Social Chair Freya Nangle

    Freya Nangle


    Email: fhn3@cornell.edu

    Major(s): College Scholar Program & Psychology, β€˜25

    Instrument(s): Violin

    Fun Fact: I have a twin sisterβ€”she’s studying music at Boston University! πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈπŸŽ»

    Favorite Orchestra Memory: Meeting new people and bonding with friends at the Requiem After-Party and Spring Formal! πŸ₯³

  • Social Chair Nanor Seraydarian

    Nanor Seraydarian


    Email: ns743@cornell.edu

    Major(s): Music, '24

    Instrument(s): Violin

    Fun Fact: I speak 3 languages! πŸ€“πŸŒ

    Favorite Orchestra Memory: Playing Scheherazade for CSO’s first concert of the year! πŸ’ƒ

  • Alumni Relations Chair Mihir Ranjan

    Mihir Ranjan


    Email: mr883@cornell.edu

    Major(s): Biological Sciences, '24

    Instrument(s): Percussion

    Fun Fact: I've had 40 chicken nuggets in one sitting before! πŸ€―πŸ—

    Favorite Orchestra Memory: Playing Scheherazade for the first time with the CSO! πŸ₯

  • Website Chair Laura Gong

    Laura Gong


    Email: lg443@cornell.edu

    Major(s): Information Science, β€˜25

    Instrument(s): Flute

    Fun Fact: I finally learned how to ride a bike after sophomore year of college! πŸš²πŸ‘·β€β™€οΈ

    Favorite Orchestra Memory: Playing gorgeous wind chorales as the back stand strings turn and stare with jealousy! πŸ€ͺ

  • Newsletter Chair Aarya Tavshikar

    Aarya Tavshikar


    Email: amt272@cornell.edu

    Major(s): Information Science, β€˜24

    Instrument(s): Bassoon

    Fun Fact: I enjoy reading Wikipedia articles in my free time! πŸ€“πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

    Favorite Orchestra Memory: Playing Clash of Clans with the winds! πŸ“±

  • Publicity Chair Katelyn Ge

    Katelyn Ge


    Email: ksg72@cornell.edu

    Major(s): Biology and Society, '25

    Instrument(s): Violin

    Fun Fact: I used to be allergic to mangoes, but I ate so many that I'm not allergic anymore πŸ₯­πŸ€§

    Favorite Orchestra Memory: CCO’s spring concert featuring Ariana Kim, Danny Kim, John Haines-Eitzen, and Andrew Wallace! 🎻

  • Concert Chair Kay McIlhenny

    Kay McIlhenny


    Email: kmm464@cornell.edu

    Major(s): Biological Sciences, '24

    Instrument(s): Violin

    Fun Fact: I recently learned how to crochet! 🧢πŸͺ‘

    Favorite Orchestra Memory: Playing Scheherazade! πŸ‘―

  • Tour Manager Irene Hwang

    Irene Hwang


    Email: iyh4@cornell.edu

    Major(s): Biological Sciences, '25

    Instrument(s): Violin

    Fun Fact: I'm from Ithaca! πŸŒ…πŸŒ³

    Favorite Orchestra Memory: Playing Mozart’s Requiem with the Glee Club and Chorus! πŸ•―οΈ

  • Tour Manager Lauren Kam

    Lauren Kam


    Email: lk543@cornell.edu

    Major(s): Computer Science, '25

    Instrument(s): Viola

    Fun Fact: Once my project team and I dropped a (small) car on my toe! πŸš—πŸ¦Ά

    Favorite Orchestra Memory: Co-starting the tradition of taking a viola section pic after every concert! ❀️

  • Tour Manager Dean Zhang

    Dean Zhang


    Email: dyz4@cornell.edu

    Major(s): Biological Sciences & Computer Science, '25

    Instrument(s): Violin

    Fun Fact: I'm a Boston sports fanβ€”Patriots, Celtics, Bruins, Red Sox, you name it! πŸˆπŸ’

    Favorite Orchestra Memory: "The Pleasures of the Quarrel" opera concert in CCO freshman spring semester! 🎀

  • Outreach Chair Lisa Yamaguchi

    Lisa Yamaguchi


    Email: lmy24@cornell.edu

    Major(s): Industrial and Labor Relations, '25

    Instrument(s): Violin

    Fun Fact: I lived in 4 countries growing up! 🌏 πŸ—Ύ

    Favorite Orchestra Memory: The fall concert with CCO and CSO! 🎻

  • Merchandise Chair Isaac Dorio

    Isaac Dorio


    Email: iwd8@cornell.edu

    Major(s): Landscape Architecture & Plant Science, '26

    Instrument(s): Bassoon

    Fun Fact: I have a weird obsession with mushrooms (lion’s mane and chaga)! πŸ„πŸŒ±

    Favorite Orchestra Memory: Playing the bassoon solos in Scheherazade! 𝄒